What is the extra paid for content? I thought it was all free?

Bex Spiller

Last Update il y a 5 mois

Alongside our free content, we also have extra premium courses and resources which people can pay for. This helps support the app and keep it up and running! It costs around £10,000 a year minimum just to keep the app live plus costs for things such as content from experts and so on. We've never received any grants or funding so having some premium content keeps us alive.

Please note, you do not need any of the extra paid for courses or content and we never push this on anyone. It's there if/when you decide you'd like to use it. There are enough free resources to keep you busy every day if you'd like to just use those!

You can see a whole list of paid for courses here.

Or browse through all of the bundles/access passes here.

You'll also find bundles and access passes to purchases on the app.